Red eyes are usually caused by allergic reactions to airborne or skin irritants. Contact lenses may cause scratchiness when worn without proper cleaning. Here are some other causes and remedies for red eyes:
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction
The Meibomian gland produces the oil that prevents your eyes from drying out. When this gland becomes inflamed or blocked, it reduces the production of oil. Without it, tears evaporate quickly, leading to discomfort, dryness, and redness. Optometrists may use Meibomian gland probing (MGP) to remove scar tissue surrounding the gland, restoring the proper flow of oil. Radiofrequency could also be used to heat and unclog the Meibomian glands to treat red eyes.
Demodex is a mite that usually lives in human hair follicles on the face. Though usually unnoticeable, if Demodex multiplies too rapidly, it becomes itchy and irritating. Experts treat these symptoms with a cream, lotion, or wash that contains acaricide, which kills ticks and mites. An optometrist may also recommend blepharoexfoliation, which removes the bacterial buildup on your eyelid that serves as a food source for Demodex.
Ocular Eye Disease
Your ocular surface includes your eyelids, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland, and cornea. Ocular eye disease affects the functions and structure of these surfaces. Some diseases include lagophthalmos, chalazion, and ocular rosacea. Many remedies involve the use of regenerative medicine to heal and replace damaged tissue, restoring health and function. Eye drops contain specialized proteins like cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors to help restore the eye’s ocular surface.
Exposure Keratopathy
Excessive corneal exposure outdoors results in red eyes. Prokera is a contact lens-like device that fights stubborn ocular issues by promoting healing and preventing scarring. It is a clear bandage with a stabilizing outer ring to protect the eye’s surface from further damage. Prokera devices include an amniotic membrane with healing cells that initiate tissue regeneration. The prokera bandage dissolves during the treatment period, and the outer ring is removed during a follow-up appointment.
Dry Eyes
Eyes become red and dry when they do not produce enough tears, reducing the clarity of your vision. Dry eyes also cause irritation, light sensitivity, and a stinging sensation. Doctors provide eye massages to help stimulate tear production. Eye pads are coated with ultrasound gel and used to massage closed eyelids. During this process, thermoelectric heat is used to break down any clogs in your tear ducts and restore flow. An eye massage may also refresh strained or tired eyes.
Stem Cell Transplantation
Patients undergoing stem cell treatments or bone marrow transplantation can develop red eyes. This is a result of graft-versus-host disease. Scleral lenses are specialized contacts that cover the entire cornea and rest on the whites of the eyes. They form a fluid-filled reservoir that eliminates discomfort by providing protection and lubrication.
Scleral lenses help the eyes retain moisture to reduce dryness. The lenses can also improve vision by correcting refractive errors. Specialized contacts have an extended wear time and can be worn longer than traditional contacts, providing dry eye relief throughout the day.
Effective Management of Red Eyes
Optometrists perform comprehensive eye exams to determine underlying eye conditions that cause red eyes. They provide effective treatments like Lipiflow, OptiLight, and eyelid exfoliation. Contact a reputable optometrist today to learn more about their services for dry eyes.