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5 Yoga Poses for Heart Health

5 Yoga Poses for Heart Health

The heart – your most important organ. Even though we know this, we barely pay any attention to it until it’s almost too late. There are a ton of stressful causes in present-day lifestyles that lead to heart conditions. Aur woh kehte hai na… Dil dhadakne do. They’re talking about heart health only! Without a healthy and happy heart, dhadakne ka maza kya hoga? So, let’s learn more about our favourite organ and how to keep it happy.

What Impacts Heart Health

To understand the seriousness of the situation, let’s look at some numbers. In 2019, over 523 million people around the world were said to be living with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). In India, the number is around 54 million people – not much better. This might sound scary, but 32% of global deaths (approx. 18 million deaths per year) are due to CVDs.

We know that stress deteriorates our quality of life because of many ill effects, including reduced heart health. There are many causes other than stress that negatively impact your heart. These reasons could be genetic or due to unhealthy lifestyles. Let’s look at some of the lifestyle-related causes:

  1. Unhealthy Diet – A diet full of saturated fats and too much salt and sugar hits you right in the heart. Pair that with little to no fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and you get the number one cause of an unhealthy, damaged heart.
  2. Not Moving Around – These days, it is very easy to have a sedentary lifestyle and not move a lot while working. Inactivity promotes obesity, weakening your heart and blood vessels.
  3. Bad Cholesterol – Although our body needs cholesterol to perform certain functions, there is a “bad cholesterol” which only works to reduce our lifespan. It can narrow our arteries or even block them which reduces blood flow to the heart. This leads to heart attacks and strokes.
  4. Poor Mental Health – Constantly being under stress and not having time to relax can severely deteriorate your mental health, also leading to high blood pressure and unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating.
  5. Too Much Alcohol – Drinking in excess can cause situations like high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats while weakening your heart muscles.

Yoga Poses for Heart Health

The good news is that you can work towards a healthier lifestyle and avoid being in the 32%. How? Simply by following these 5 yoga poses for heart health:

  1. Bhujangasana/ Ardha Bhujangasana:
    Give your muscles a good stretch with this one! It also improves heart function and strengthens the spine.

How To – Lie on your stomach and place your palms under your shoulders. Slowly raise your torso and keep your elbows slightly bent. Look upward and hold for 10 seconds. Keep breathing deeply. If you have back pain, rest your forearms on the mat and only raise your torso a little. Hold only if it’s comfortable; you can rest after 5 seconds of holding, too.

  1. Setu Bandhasana:
    Time to walk the bridge to a healthy heart! With the bridge pose, you can strengthen your heart and lungs, reduce stress in the body and also improve blood circulation.

How To – Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your feet hip-width apart from each other. Slowly, lift your hips to the sky while keeping your shoulders and feet firmly on the mat. Lock your hands under your back and hold for 20 seconds.

Note that this pose may not be suitable for people with back or neck issues, and must be skipped in such conditions.

  1. Anulom Vilom Pranayam:
    Feel your breath cleanse all toxins out of your body as Anulom Vilom lowers your blood pressure, reduces stress levels and balances your hormones.

How To – Sit comfortably, making sure your spine is straight. Close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale from the left. Then, close your left nostril with your right ring finger and exhale from the right. Repeat for 5-7 minutes.

  1. Vrikshasana:
    Channel your inner tree! Use this asana to improve your balance and blood flow.

How To – Stand tall and place the sole of your foot on the thigh or calf of the other foot, whichever is more comfortable. When you’re balanced, raise your arms above your head and do a namaste with your hands. Hold for 30 seconds and switch to the other leg, again holding for 30 seconds.

  1. Shavasana:

The very definition of sit back and relax – but while lying down! Do this asana to reduce stress and completely relax your mind.

How To – Lie flat on your back and rest your arms on the side. Close your eyes and one-by-one focus on every part of your body. Breathe deeply and focus on each inhale and exhale. Stay in this position for about 10 minutes.

Make sure to practice these poses in a calm environment with no external stressful factors and breathe deeply throughout. Listen to your body at all times and do not strain yourself; if your body tells you to stop, you should stop and replace the asana with a more comfortable pose.

Other Tips for Heart Health

  1. Dietary Changes – Follow a healthy diet with reduced amounts of fat and a higher level of whole grains. Including fruits and vegetables in your daily meals will add a finishing touch to your heart health!
  2. Stress Management – Take up activities like meditation or mindful journaling to deal with your stress healthily. Such activities will help you achieve relaxation and ultimately improve your heart health.
  3. Healthy Weight Management – Obesity is a huge cause of reduced heart health; losing excess weight will improve your cholesterol levels and reduce the burden your heart has to take. 
  4. Other Lifestyle Changes – Build a healthy routine where you can get enough sleep, eat healthy meals peacefully and also maintain your weight as desired.

Although the yoga poses and lifestyle changes are supremely important, the real secret to heart health is consistency. Following healthy eating habits and living a stress-free life daily makes a real difference. To make sure you follow the yoga poses daily, you can also join some Yoga Sessions Online to keep track of your journey! If you’re a Punekar, you can search for some Yoga Classes in Pune, too!